What’s Holding You Back? 6 Limiting Beliefs Successful Entrepreneurs Overcome

3 min readDec 15, 2020

Being an entrepreneur is not a game for the weak at heart. It takes a lot of strength, effort, faith, self-belief, and sometimes, self-delusion to succeed.

As an entrepreneur, you need to be sure of your ability to win that you may come across as over-confident. It takes quite a lot of faith to leave a paying job’s security and venture into an entirely new entrepreneurial territory.

Your employee is an entrepreneur, and that is the reason he pays your salary. When you become an entrepreneur, you no longer wait on a paycheck; instead, your decisions and indecisions will determine if you will feed, clothe, invest, and afford the good things of life.

Here at Ideazon, we have already worked with more than 400 entrepreneurs, helping them successfully run crowdfunding campaigns and raise funds for their innovative ideas and products.

Today we are going to share with you the 6 limiting beliefs successful entrepreneurs overcome:

1. I Cannot Do It

Successful entrepreneurs have amazing self-belief. Do they get scared and frustrated sometimes? Yes, they do; however, they are inherently confident in their abilities to win most of the time.

Successful entrepreneurs have sometimes being called delusional because they have dreams that seem impossible to people with limited mindsets.

2. I Cannot Fail

While all successful entrepreneurs are conscious of their abilities to win, the most experienced are also very objective about losing. Why do business owners create exit strategies? Because they know that sometimes, a business can crumble.

So, while they prepare for the best, like an IPO or an acquisition, they quickly read the cue when it says ‘move,’ and they move.

3. It’s Too Hard

Entrepreneurs are one of the most hard-working people on earth. When you are doing a 9 to 5, you work within your business hours; however, when the company is yours, you work overtime upon overtime to keep the company running.

Entrepreneurs welcome hard work. They love to work. Hard work is the most important trait a successful entrepreneur should have.

4. I Can Do It All By Myself

Successful entrepreneurs know that a good project is a product of an excellent team. As you grow as an entrepreneur, you must improve your people skills.

If you do not know how to organize talents to create a successful project, you will undoubtedly fail in many projects. There are no lone wolves in the business world. No matter how hard an entrepreneur tries to make you feel like he achieved his success all by himself, do not be fooled.

5. I Need to Feel 100% Confident Before I Make a Business Move

Successful entrepreneurs do not carelessly jump into a business or an investment. They make their feasibility studies, create profit casts, and try to understand as much of the business they want to invest in; however, they do not attempt to understand everything before they launch.

Sometimes, all you need is a gut feeling, a little faith, and an exit strategy to make a business decision.

6. Failure Means that I Can Not Succeed

Successful entrepreneurs are not scared of failure. They do not fear losing. They understand that if they fail, they learn.

However, people who do not make moves because they are afraid that they might fail or fear what other people might think may not find great success as entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs learn from their failures and shortcomings and other people’s failures and shortcomings.

Related: 4 Things You Need to Know About Crowdfunding




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